dialcallrefly.com, it is an independent travel website that helps in travel related concierge services to online travelers.
dialcallrefly.com, It is not in direct link with any Cruise or travel agency or any online travel web-portal & dialcallrefly.com is not any Cruise. As dialcallrefly.com we assist and help travelers in making new booking or making changes and we charge a service and assistance fee for the service provided.
The information contained in dialcallrefly.com is general purpose only. All the information provided on the websites, products, services, maps, graphics, material, images, names addresses or particular links are given in good faith but they may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors which are regretted.
In no event will dialcallrefly.com is liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or any damage whatsoever anyway connected with the use or performance of the website. The dialcallrefly.com and/or its respective suppliers make no representations about the completeness, accuracy, reliability and timeliness of the information and hereby disclaim all the warranties and conditions about this information, product, services and software.
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